Red and blue roller coaster rails, twisted and daunting looking
State of the art theme park with lush greenery
Colourful gift stores with fascinated kids running around
Hanging lollipops from trees
2 litres of Hersheys chocolate
Rabbits made of
roses, carnations and sunflowers
A Globe in the middle of a fountain which bores “Universal Studios”

*Living a dream of a 5year old boy. . .*
The tickets were bought 2 weeks beforehand. It was a long awaited trip and we spent a total of 6 hours in there ;)
*Hollywood City*
Lights, Camera, Action is the main attraction. Not knowing what was installed in the studio, we blindly went in and were welcomed by a chirpy young lady who had us briefed about what to expect when we step into another studio.
Little did we know that we were about to experience a hurricane by the sea, in the building itself! Billowing wind, crashing boats, gas tankers exploding, water splashes. . . ohhh and the 3D tsunami as background! The experience kept us awed and we were anticipating for the next adventure already
*Egyptian City*
Return of the Mummy is THE Roller Coaster ride of this city. Well, for me! Read on to find out! *grinning* At the entrance, we have been warned that it is a high speed ride and loose items must be kept off the ride. Then we started out for the path to THE roller coaster. You know how your adrenaline rushes through your veins, your brains, your feet when you are going to ride on THE roller coaster!!!! I just love the sensation when the coaster JOLTS in front to create enough momentum! It was quite a walk to the coaster, as they have decorated the path with mummies, sphinx, sandy beings and cravings. It was a 5X4 coaster and the ride begannnnnnnnnnnnn. . .
It started off winding and slow, telling you a story about how the Mummy returns to get revenge and we are at his mercy. The drawings and laser cravings are magnificient, with dry ice effects. And then the coaster came to a halt right in front of the wall. We were waiting for it to open and anticipated a thunderous start but, the coaster stop dead and jolted in REVERSE direction, DOWN in the dark, DOWN again then SWERVE at full speed and STOP! The Mummy crackled and continued his taunt, he casted a spell and the ceiling went on fire, hot steaming fire, with blood oozing from the edge and we go DOWN again in any imaginable speed! In the dark! The tunnel is so cold, you grip tight onto the railings, swearing that you don’t wanna die if this coaster ever hit the tunnel in any way because it is super dooooper HIGH SPEED and they aren’t kidding when they say high speed. . .
It was superb! *THUMBS UP ;D*
*Far Far Away Land*
Shrek 3D in a beautiful pinkish castle is the attraction. We were being brought into the cinema with 3D glasses, just like any other cinema, we enjoyed the story till. . . we could feel the donkey sneezes on our faces LOL We practically got wet from so many splurts of water throughout the movie! It felt like Holy Water in Constantine. . . ;P
I love the quartlet! I love Alex, I love Marty, I love Merman, I love Gloria! I love their friendship. Four of them have their very own cafes in Madagascar and we went to Marty’s, Casa de Blanca. The food is delicious, surprisingly in a theme park. No, we weren’t hungry when we ate, and when I say it is delicious, mark my words J
Jurassic Park fans will get a chance to dine in their restaurant, something like in the movie. They have their own roller coaster where your feet will be dangling during the ride and they have a water-slide-cum-hydroelectric-plant where you will be drenched!
Oh ya, we saw an enormous Kungfu Panda mascot walking around! His belly is twice the size of a door! Too bad we didn’t have a chance to take pictures with him. We are fans of him! Daddy has Panda’s song as his ringtone by the way! *grinning*

We went home feeling content, and even more satisfied when we had one of the best reunion dinner in Singapore! It was just an ordinary steamboat dinner but it meant more when you dine with people whom you called Relatives, and being loved and appreciate like Relatives. . . Happy Bunny Year everyone! :)